Friday, 23 March 2007

At last I'm blogging...

I’m not doing very well with my blogs – I always put it to the back of the pile as I have so much on at the moment – its crazy!

I have just finished one of my classes though – the novel writing class at City Lit – which will free up my Monday evenings – but I’m sad to have finished it as everyone in the group was so supportive and it’s nice to get feedback about your novel. I told my tutor about this blog community and she seemed very interested in it and thought it was a great idea. Anyway my novel writing pals from my course, and I have all decided to carry on our workshops and send writing to each other every work – its nice to have deadlines and were also going to meet up every month – in the pub – oh dear wonder how that will turn out!

Anyway I have made progress on my word count – another 2,000 words – not that I can remember my password for my word count meter – silly me – I can’t change it! Not anywhere near my target of 5,000 words but at least I feel as though I’m going somewhere. I have an excuse too – I have just been commissioned to write for an online women’s magazine – and I’m also doing some restaurant reviews for a food and drink magazine so I’ve been pretty busy doing other things. Not that this will get my novel written though so I am going to get on with it next month and really make my character vivid to my readers and drive the plot on as much as possible.

How is everyone else doing? I going to make a big effort to get to know you all a bit better and find out how you’re all doing! Until then – happy writing….and blogging!


Rose Red Art said...

Well done!

You're doing really well!

Jen said...

Wow, I'm sooo envious!! I'd love to write for magazines almost more than writing novels!!!

Sounds as if you're doing brilliantly... woo hoo!!


Unknown said...

Well done on increasing your word count :-) Writing for the on line magazine sounds great. Keep up the good work!

Zinnia Cyclamen said...

2000 words is nothing to sneeze at, I agree with everyone else, sounds to me as if you're doing really well.

Lucy Diamond said...

Keep going - I'm sure meeting up with your coursemates will be an excellent motivator to keep the words going.